Can't remove those stubborn stains in the sink? Do feel like dusting of each and every floor? Well, help is at hand with our Top Ten Cleaning Hacks. Some of them might seem a tad bit unusual but believe us: they all work a treat. So get your cola bottles ready and start cleaning. Enjoy!
Sparkling clean
Use cola to clean your toilet without the hassle. Simply pour a cup of cola into the bowl and let it sit for a while. The acids will slowly loosen the built-up stains. Such a good recycling idea for cola.
Ready to roll
Why vacuuming on a sofa when you can roll it? Use the Vileda lint roller on couches – and it even catches the well-known stubborn animal hair.
Say no to shoes
Feel like you’re sweeping too often? Start requiring everyone to take their shoes off when they enter the house, so you won’t need to vacuum or mop regularly.
Get the colour out
You are in a hurry and then it happens! The open polish bottle tips over and on your white carpet. Help is at hand, simply use rubbing alcohol and a Vileda microfibre cloth to remove it by dapping carefully.
Let VR 302 help you
Here’s a hack that works every time: our vacuum robot. Just sit back and relax, while it does the dirty floor work for you.
Clean the cleaner
Sponges can pick up a lot of bacteria, so make sure you clean it frequently. How? Just put it in the next washing machine load with a temperature of 60 degrees.
Shoe brush
Do you want to look your sneakers like new again? All you need is an old toothbrush and a little toothpaste to keep also the white parts bright and shiny.
To pick up tiny shards of glass, grab a piece of old bread, press it down over the area and pick up those little pieces effortlessly. But please put your Vileda gloves on!
Swap the mop
We all love the mop to clean our houses! But did you know that you can simply improve your cleaning results by swapping the mop depending on your current cleaning needs? Get your whole Vileda mopping equipment!
Games & Fun
Use your dishwasher to clean all kinds of things, like the kids toys or candle holders. You own way too much toys? Start extra dishwasher loads for toys.
Have hacks to share?
Feel free to add our Top Ten Cleaning Hacks by posting your tricks with the hashtag #tidytopten
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